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JJ Thorne & Logan Carter – Chapter 2

Riley closes in on the swelling loins of his horny models, Logan Carter and JJ Thorne. JJ can’t keep his lips off of Logan’s hot body, melting in his grip, as the scruffy jock paws at his smooth butt. The big man loves how his bottom’s jockstrap perfectly presents his delicious backside, making his mouth water to get a taste! JJ worships his tattooed top, hungry to swallow his meat and work out a thick load. Leaning him back on the bed, JJ services Logan’s cock, stroking it with his hand as the hunky stud watches on in delight. Logan can hardly contain himself, cutting off the perfect blowjob to get his furry face between JJ’s cheeks. With his legs up and ass spread, Logan rims his bottom, feeling him react to each flick of his tongue. JJ’s moans are the telltale sign of his need for a deep breeding, giving Logan the green light to slide his raw cock deep inside!


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