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Leo-Rex Bunny & Leo Ocean

It’s been a little while since we last saw Leo-Rex, so when he got in touch looking to have some fun we knew we had to team him up with cute little Leo Ocean. The boys clearly have the hots for each other right from the first moment, kissing on the bed and slowly getting naked. The feast of cock sucking begins and it’s obvious these guys are gonna have a great time together, they’re so hard and almost dripping pre with anticipation! Leo Ocean takes charge, straddling his new friend and sliding his tight little hole down on that big cock, his own shaft bouncing while he rides. The fucking is urgent, but Leo-Rex slows the pace when he gets the boy on his back, loving the pleasure he’s clearly delivering as he humps in and out. An almost perfectly timed climax awaits as Leo-Rex pulls out and the two wank together, splashing their cream out over the twink boys stomach. Who else thinks these two might be meeting up privately again later?


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