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A Tale Of Two Cock Destroyers Episode 4 – Johnny Rapid, JJ Knight, Ty Mitchell & Joey Mills

Caught by Cock Destroyer Sophie Anderson after defying her orders, things are looking grim for Johnny Rapid, but when he warns Constable JJ Knight that Sophie’s trying to poison him in order to give her favorite, Joey Mills, the job, things finally start looking up! JJ sits down with Johnny, Joey, and the other new whore, Ty Mitchell, to hash out how things are going to be. JJ and Johnny get their cocks sucked by both Ty and Joey before fucking the twinks doggystyle, and when it’s time to cum JJ fucks Ty’s mouth as he watches Joey fuck Ty’s ass while getting his ass fucked by Johnny! The guys seal their alliance as Ty gets covered in jizz…but down in the basement, the Cock Destroyers are also making up, and vowing to take over the world!


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