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Marc Montana & Elye Black

Elye shows Marc Montana how it’s done as he takes every inch of his throbbing dick down his wet throat. Elye Black can’t help but keep complimenting Marc’s cock. Marc isn’t sure what to say so he just throat fucks Elye until he’s ready to try out some dick in his mouth. Marc gives Elye some good cock sucking but is more interested in trying to get his big dick into his tight little ass so Elye gives it up to him and Marc slowly pushes every inch of his throbbing cock into him making Elye squirm away but Marc brings him right back where he needs to be. Elye can barely contain himself as Marc thrusts deeper and harder into him picking up his pace as Elye loves every minute of it. Elye once again keeps up the banter with remarks about how amazing that cock feels going in and out of his tight young ass. Marc man handles Elye and fucks him in a few positions all over the bedroom until he gets him on his back and fucks the cum right out of Elye. Marc pulls his cock out and strokes his warm creamy nut all over Elye’s cum soaked chest.


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