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Ben Masters & Shane Cook

Ben Masters is excited to be with Shane Cook and watch him get hard as he sucks him enthusiastically and this energy and his technique works VERY well! Shane’s cock gets thick fast and Ben’s relentless sucking lights a fire for the condom-free ass pounding to follow. But first Shane reaches around to play with Ben’s cute ass and in no time flip him over and feast on it. Shane is just as relentless rimming, fingering & tongue-fucking Ben’s hole and learns Ben can’t get enough. After spit-lubing his hole Shane maneuvers in his beercan cock and once it jolts his prostate, Ben is in giddy ecstasy. Soon Shane turns Ben on is back and lets go with energetic deep-pounding that puts Ben in a state of breathless euphoria, heightened even more when Shane chokes him & edges him closer. Shane delights Ben with some toe sucking, then flips him to drill him from behind. Ben loves it but soon rides Shane deep in both directions, easily taking his deep dick thrusts. Finally Ben cums over Shane’s chest and the cum hungry top sucks the rest off his dick. In turn Ben takes control and sucks Shane & jacks his cock until he pumps a massive load all over Shane, milking him dry. And as they lie together Shane has one more little surprise: he saved up that big load for Ben!


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