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Closer To You: Marcos Oliveira & Manuel Scalco

With such erratic schedules it is difficult for Marcos Oliveira and Manuel Scalco to see much of each other. Today Marcos gets out of work early and surprises Manuel with some romantic time together. Their kissing builds to a passionate level as the clothes are slowly and seductively removed. Once the cocks are set free, Manuel begins to suck on Marcos’ cock with a ravenous flare that causes him to moan in enjoyment and encouragement. Marcos then makes his move and takes his time pleasuring Manuel’s foreskin before devouring his entire cock shaft. The guys change it up and as Marcos is bent over the chair Manuel slips his cock into his raw ass. Manuel now takes a seat and Marcos lowers his ass down onto Manuel’s throbbing cock and takes it for a wild ride. Marcos has fucked himself to the point of no return and explodes his huge load of cum as Manuel’s cock stays deep within him. Manuel spreads Marcos’ legs open so that he can savor the flavor of the hot fucking that still lingers on Marcos’ hot pink ass. After fucking Marcos’ ass with his tongue, Manuel decides it is time for his cock to finish it all off. The thick cock of Manuel slips right back into Marcos’ ass and Marcos’ cock surges with excitement at feeling the heat filling him once more. Manuel fucks Marcos to his heart’s content and showers his ass with his load of cum.


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