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Sweet Seduction – Max Carter & Tyler Sweet

Join two of the hottest, young muscle boys on our roster, Tyler Sweet, and Max Carter as they hit the Vegas strip for an amazing date that turns into a “sleep over!” The pretty boys wake in one another’s arms with some serious sexual tension to cut! Massive morning wood beckons the boys, driving both dude’s to satisfy their deep throat desires. After palming tight bodied twunk, Tyler’s tush all night, blond ass addict, Max tosses Tyler’s thick legs in the air, and has himself a hearty, back door booty breakfast before slipping Sweet some morning meat. Carter cocks Tyler’s tight tail bare and bold, servicing the smooth bubble with big, horny helpings of hog in several porned out positions till the beautiful bottom launches a lusty load all over his baby blue bedding. Slam Master Carter cums simultaneously, pumping his porn star piece balls deep, flooding Sweet’s sexy seat with an ass full of white, hot fuck.


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