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Kyler Loading Noah’s Ass

Noah and Kyler hit it off immediately when they met, and I think there was no doubt we’d get them paired up and in a hot scene together as soon as we all saw how well they clicked. There was no doubt in their minds they’d get paired up, either – they each wanted it! These two were having such fun together they even raided one of the studio closets and dug through a bunch of old shirts lying around so they could get “in costume” for their pairing – Kyler with his “Pitcher” shirt and Noah with his “Catcher” shirt. They would have run around town showing off their shirts together had we let them! You, the subscribers, should be the ones who get to see Kyler being the pitcher and Noah being the catcher, though! And that’s precisely what you get to see here! Just how in to one another these two are is apparently from the get go, as you can spot their hard dicks in their shorts and see the energy with which they make out, and swallow each other’s cocks. Kyler really gets riled up as he starts to finger Noah’s hole! One, then two, then three and four fingers – each new one he adds gets Noah writhing and gasping more and more, and when he asks Noah if he’s ready for his cock Noah groans out, “Yes please!”. A furious fuck follows, with Kyler plunging his big dick in to Noah deep and both guys really showing off just how well they get along!


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