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Rise Of The Sirens Part 3 – Paul Canon & Colby Tucker

Colby Tucker feels like the only guy on the beach who hasn’t had any dick yet, but he’s still willing to help out his buddy Matthew Camp by looking into the siren attacks instead of cruising for cock. Colby consults a sexy scientist at the marine research facility for info. When he strips down to his skintight swimsuit to explore the scene of the crime, he draws the attention of siren Paul Canon. Paul tries to use his siren song on Colby, but Colby assures the merman he’s cute enough that Colby will fuck him anyway! Colby swallows Paul’s sea-cucumber, then sits on the siren’s face before taking his dick in doggystyle in the middle of the forest. Colby rides Paul till he cums and then takes a huge facial… before remembering he’s alone with a dangerous merman!


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