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Luke Greer & Craig Keller

Its not often we manage to find a cutsie Indian guy who wants to strip off and get down and nasty for our cameras, so when Luke Greer applied we grabbed this stunning stud with both hands and gave him the pick of the stable – and he chose hubba hubba – Craig Keller, another luscious piece of sexy tail. These boys stripped off and get down to some heavy petting, dick sucking ( get that tongue under that foreskin boy!) and of course Luke was sliding up Craig’s hot, juicy boy hole before you could say – ‘ fuck me bareback’. Luke’s a gorgeous tanned, lithe young stud with a delicious dark dick, he’s ably up against Craig who’s pushing back for every throbbing inch until these rampant studs can hold back no longer and – kersplat! ( we might be in confinement but its still DAMN juicy in here) . Now wash your hands x


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