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Adrian Hart & Colton Reece – Mind Fuck

Have you ever had a best friend that you wanted to fuck with so bad you couldn’t take it anymore? That’s exactly how Adrian Hart feels about his best friend Colton Reece. Adrian decides to risk it all one day while the two were playing pool. Pulling Colton around after taking his first shot, Adrian makes his move. Colton is shocked at first but decides to go with it as Adrian starts to kiss him. Pushed against the pool table, Adrian slides down to suck on Colton’s fat dick. Colton clears the pool balls and gets his sexy best friend on the table to taste his smooth hole. Colton joins Adrian on the table and maneuvers him face-down-ass-up, so he can give his best friend every bareback inch he craves. Colton starts out pounding Adrian from behind, before switching his attention to sucking off Adrian and fingering his tight hole. Colton turns up the volume relentlessly dominating his submissive best friend, flipping him around in multiple positions until Adrian is riding Colton feverishly. When Colton’s hot creamy load rises to the surface he erupts all over Adrian’s face, and Adrian follows with a thick load all over his smooth, ripped abs.


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