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Romeo Davis & Drew Dixon

Romeo Davis needs to unload, and Drew Dixon is the perfect bottom for him. After setting up their initial fuck date, Drew leaves his door wide open to greet Romeo, and the two get down to business, as NSA hook-ups should be . No chit-chat. No bullshit. Just old fashioned piggy dick service. And Romeo’s cock has never looked THIS big! We’re talking true monster cock, which Drew drops to his knees to worship. He takes much of Romeo down his throat, almost to the base, but ends up choking and gagging. But that’s okay because Romeo is there to fuck hole, not throat. He eats Drew’s ass like a straight man eating pussy. Then, using only spit for lube, Romeo stretches open Drew’s hole with his enormous slab of meat. True fans of down-and-dirty butt fucking are going to love the way Drew’s ass lips cling to Romeo’s shaft. Romeo bareback fucks the perfect whore and wrecks his hole before eventually blasting a H-U-G-E amount of DNA all over Drew’s ass and seeding the stretched out, freshly abused hole.


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