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Elder Mason: Bonds of Brotherhood with President Oaks

Usually relationships between boys in the mission are frowned upon. Not because of any inherent impropriety, but because such relationships can lead to the need for secrecy. The need for transparency amongst the missionaries has been declared over and over again and has been made one of the top priorities of boys on their journey towards the upper ranks of the priesthood. Ironic, considering there is no transparency offered from the Order. Nevertheless, boys continue to have relationships with each other and continue to go against the word of the Order by doing so. That is why the case of Elder Madden and Elder Mason is so exceptional. The Order has kept an eye on these two for months, as they seem to have a clear affinity for each other. But no matter how many opportunities they’ve been given, how many times they could have easily slipped away into the night without anyone knowing, they’ve seemingly made no advance towards each other. It’s assumed that this is because of their desire to keep in line with the Order’s rules. This obedience is impressive, and it is not something to be taken lightly. Such loyal boys should be rewarded for their behavior. Little does President Oaks know, these two boys have indeed experienced each other’s bodies physically, and under the supervision of one of his colleagues nonetheless. It has been kept a secret from Oaks and several other prominent members of the Order, and it remains a secret as the boys play along with the charade. They act as though they’ve never laid eyes on each other’s bare bodies as Oaks tells them to undress. Oaks and Mason spitroast Elder Madden aggressively, and as Oaks watches cum drip out of Madden’s asshole, he is more certain than ever that these boys would go to the ends of the earth for the priesthood.


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