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Ace Quinn & Trent King

Super-sexy & versatile Trent King is excited to make his CockyBoys debut and that it’s with hottie Ace Quinn! Ace is excited too and neither guy can wait to get started. As they make out Ace grinds on Trent and sucks his nipples and gets desired results: Trent’s big dick tenting his shorts. After a little mouth teasing Ace gets Trent naked and it takes his mouth and both hands to service him..with some help from Trent. After he gets some expert sucking Trent wants his turn and gives his best in gulping Ace’s cock. His busy mouth keeps going as he flips Ace on all fours and feasts on his bubble butt. Trent uses his tongue to tantalize Ace’s hole, and uses his fingers to prime him for his cock. Still, when he enters Ace from behind he goes slowly..at first. Once he flips him on his back, Trent thrusts in deeper & faster, while laying down passionate kisses. Sexually energetic Trent pulls a willing Ace to the bed’s edge to drill him from behind deeper & deeper, while holding his muscle butt. In time Ace wants to ride Trent and does s0 in both directions while taking his continuous deep thrusts. Trent can’t hold back much more and when he puts Ace on his back again he shoots his thick load over his torso. In turn Ace shoots a big load too all over himself. With theeir intensity dissipating Trent & Ace kiss sweetly, totally satisfied by their long-awaited encounter.


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