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Party Retreat – Carter Woods & Quin Quire

Even though the party is in full swing, Carter Woods and Quin Quire clearly would rather be alone together somewhere, so when Quin excuses himself to use the ‘restroom’, it’s only a matter of time before Carter follows. Sure enough, Carter tracks Quin to a private room downstairs and without words, they act on the looks they’ve been giving each other all afternoon. Carter throws Quin onto the bed and jumps ontop of him, ripping their clothes off as they take turns sucking each other off and worshipping the other’s body. Carter straddles Quin’s face as he deep throats his cock. They 69 until they’re both rock hard, then Quin flips him over and tongues Carter’s ass. Carter is so hot for Quin’s ass that he just flips over and tells Quin to get on top. Quin rides him raw, jerking his hard cock in Carter’s face as Carter fills him full of dick. He flips Quin over and pounds him from above, grabbing his legs for leverage and giving Quin everything he’s got, fucking the cum out of Quin before pulling out and blasting him with his load. Laughing, they introduce themselves as Quin wipes the cum clean.


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