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Brysen & Jake

Sean Cody newbie Jake has been playing with control from both sides since coming out, and he’s been dreaming about one particular guy: Brysen. “Seeing him fuck as aggressively as he fucks just makes me want him. So bad,” says Jake. “If he wants to grab it and just go as hard as he can, that”s all I am asking for.” Brysen is happy to go along with that plan! After Jake gets things started with a quick solo, he joins Brysen in the bedroom where the guys get naked and get each other incredibly horny. Jake swallows Brysen’s big cock and is eager to ride that thick cock as the top chokes him and slaps his creamy ass. Jake takes everything Brysen dishes out, begging for his load and then offering up his hole for more, before both guys paint each other with cum. “Damn. That’s a nice ass,” Brysen compliments. “That’s a nice dick!” Jake replies.


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