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Helix Soccer Team 4: Free Throw – Felix Harris & Antu Burghos

The Helix Soccer Team dressing room is on fire. Antu enjoys watching a soccer match on TV in the dressing room, where they face Argentina vs. USA, Felix enters and meets his colleague. Felix is ​​very horny and he shows it to young Antu. It is thrown with force as if making a “free kick”. Antu lets himself be seduced and they quickly begin to grope with lots of kisses and slaps in between. The boys’ smooth and curved bodies are left naked, with the sporty jockstrap in sight. Felix orders him to suck it off and the boy is afraid of being discovered, even so, he pulls out his penis and Antu eagerly devours it. Then Felix turns him around and penetrates him from behind with force. Antu moans with pleasure and appreciates the thrusts of his partner in the ass. His balls collide with force on the body of the young man. Then Felix leans back on the locker room bench and Antu sits on the penis and starts bouncing. He rides it for a long time and finally spreads his legs on the bench and is penetrated by Felix with a lot of manly energy. When he can’t take it anymore, he will discharge his semen onto Antu’s abs. It’s time to shower for both of us… And in the meantime we tell you that in the next episode, two rookie players are going to suck each other’s penises in the locker room and a third, bigger and more mature, discovers them licking themselves. The boys get scared but the older one, far from being uncomfortable, makes them both suck him and then penetrates them… All this and more in episode 5, “The ball gets stained”. See you in the locker room!


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