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Raw Rubdown – Travis Stevens & Marcell Tykes

Trained dancer, Marcell Tykes is a bit sore from rehearsal & needs his tight twunk muscles rubbed down. Lucky for him, blond babe Travis Stevens makes in house calls and, the cock hungry cutie quickly gets to work on our beautiful, bronze ballet boy. Travis takes his sweet time, enjoying every inch of Marcell’s lean, mean, muscled body while working out every kink in the sexy, sore, tasty twink. Marcell’s meaty booty is one of the best butts on the planet and, Travis can’t help but take a trip down south to knead that delicious donk like dough. One hit of bottom boy’s hot hind is all it takes and, our master masseur is hooked! Stevens slips off the dude’s drawers and plants his pretty face in Tykes’ tight tush, tongue fucking the fine ass fella for all he’s worth. Stevens goes IN on his work area till he’s cocked up and confident HIS main muscle will slip snuggly in Tykes’ tight tunnel and cause his cock craving client to moan for more! The boys make FULL use of Marcell’s mattress in this bareback bangathon, serving up several schlong stiffening positions before BOTH boys end this massage with a happy ending.


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