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Marco Antonio & Pol Prince Spit-Roast Jim Fit – Punishing Some Hole

Jim Fit’s stage name might be cheeky, but it’s also spot-on in its accuracy. Jim Fit has an insane body—there’s not a single cell of fat on this guy, and every muscle is artfully sculpted. He’s a masculine guy, but in the bedroom he loves transforming into a big bottom bitch. Jim Fit also has a soft spot for Latin guys, and that soft spot is the tight little sphincter between his ass cheeks. Pol Prince and Lucas Entertainment exclusive model Marco Antonio team up and spit-roast Jim Fit with their huge rock-hard cocks. And to his credit, Jim Fit takes the anal punishment from this power-top duo like a champ—especially when the two tops slip both of their cocks up his ass at the same time and double-penetrate him!


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