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Alex And Jacob Need Some Release

Jacob Tyler and Alex Meyer are already on the bed making out when we get the cameras rolling, and these two horny guys don’t stop there as they get each other hotter by the second. Jacob’s taste for dick has him on his knees sucking Alex’s cock, his warm, wet mouth moving up and down that shaft until it’s Alex’s turn to go down on Jacob. Using his hand and mouth together, Alex works Jacob’s big dick and gets him hard as fuck so that when these two guys are ready to screw, Jacob’s pulsing hard prick goes in nice and easy. Alex lowers himself onto that cock completely as he straddles Jacob and then begins to ride him once his ass get accustomed to the large cock inside of it. Moving up and down, his hips grinding against Jacob’s as he fucks himself on Jacob’s dick until they try a different position with Alex on his back and Jacob between his legs. Leaning forward for a kiss, Jacob continues to pound Alex while he strokes Alex’s erect cock until Alex nuts hard and then Jacob jerks himself off, spraying his cum across Alex!


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