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Accomplices roommates – Niko Demon & Valentino Sistor

It was a real surprise for our Brazilian top Niko Demon to discover that his roommate Valentino Sistor had the same sexual fantasies and was just as horny as he was. One in the living room and the other in his premises, our two mates caught each other in the chat and almost immediately Niko invited the Colombian to join him. Sensual kissing leads Demon to whip out his raging boner and Valentino to exhibit his skills at deepthroating, before bending over on the couch to let his dominant friend lick and finger his hole like a master. Once Niko knows the willing bottom can no longer resist, he pushes his long hard dick in, making Valentino groans with pleasure and pumping his smooth hole bareback like a bitch. After such a hard ride, Sistor is ready to bust and lets loose all over his torso, seconds before that Nico blow out his huge load all over his face and mouth!
