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Don’t Wake The Boss 2 – Rocky Vallarta & Trent King

The boss had a very busy night – and not with paperwork! In ‘iBreak – Trent King’, we watch the suited Mr. King “play” at his desk on a late Friday night. It’s now Saturday morning and Rocky Vallarta, the office security guard, walks into the boss’s office while on his rounds. It looks like the boss had a long evening of “work” and he finds him fast asleep on the couch. He notices a very obvious bulge and a dildo nearby. Should he wake him? Or should he have a quick feel? Rocky does not have the slightest hesitation – he goes straight for Trent’s throbbing cock and slowly sucks his fat dick, whilst trying not to wake him. But, however careful he is, the boss eventually rouses from his sleep and quickly turns the tables on Rocky by undressing the blue-collar worker and fucking his smooth tight ass.


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