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Marcus Rivers & Charlie Knox Morning Wood

When Charlie and Marcus wake up next to each other, they both realize how horny they are. The morning wood is heavy, and they both are quick to act on it by kissing and feeling each other. Not long after, Charlie finds himself sucking Marcus’ dick. Marcus loves Charlie’s mouth going deep on his cock, and he trades the favor by showing Charlie his oral skills as well. “Wanna try to fuck me?” Marcus baits Charlie as he gets on all fours. Charlie accepts the challenge, but just as he gets behind Marcus, he feels his submissive side wanting to come out instead. “You know what dude, how about you fuck me?” he counters to Marcus, which leads to them spooning on the bed while Charlie starts to moan from taking Marcus’ rock hard cock in him. They switch to doggy style, and Charlie’s moaning gets louder as his ass opens up for Marcus’ constant pounding between his legs. Marcus, who usually is a bottom, loves showing off his dominant side, and continues fucking Charlie hard after getting him on his back. On the verge of shooting his load, Marcus pulls out and cums hard on Charlie. Then Charlie strokes his dick until he shoots a big load that gets on both him and Marcus, catching his breath soon afterwards. Clearly the boys had a lot to look forward to, first thing in the morning.


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