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I’m Going To Fuck Your Feet – Ricky Larkin & Zander Lane

Zander Lane is a young photographer and conducting his first nude photo shoot with Ricky Larkin as his model. When Ricky comes from behind the set wearing a robe, we can see that he is already aroused and as he opens him robe revealing his big hard cock, Zander is noticeably nervous. Ricky gets to work posing for Zander and doing several poses that show off his worked out body and hard cock. Ricky convinces Zander to join him for some fun and feeds him his cock as Zander tries his best to deep throat it. Ricky then takes Zander’s foot and starts rubbing his cock on it as he rims Zander’s ass. Ricky then starts sucking on Zander’s feet and toes while Zander uses his other foot to rub Ricky’s hard cock. Ricky wants to fuck Zander with his cock, but Zander is afraid of it. So, Ricky takes Zander’s feet, puts them together and starts fucking between his feet. So turned on Rickey continues fucking and stroking his cock on Zander’s feet and he cums all over them. Zander then shoots his cum on himself.


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