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Justin & Kyle Stone

You’ll remember Latin stud Justin from not too long ago! After going gay for pay and having his first guy on guy experience at BaitBuddies.com, Justin has continued on his journey of sexual evolution! Now, this hairy hunk is back and he’s ready for more guy on guy action! Kyle Stone has also returned to the studio. However, you probably won’t recognize him at all! Kyle was here way back in 2016 and since then, he got a little more ink, bulked up a bit, and the biggest change of all is his beard! Kyle was hot before grew a beard but now, he’s even hotter! Kyle has also continued to evolve sexually and even though he continues to date girls, he loves sucking cock! Recently, Kyle’s girlfriend started pegging him with her strap-on and now he’s ready for the real thing! Watch Justin drill Kyle’s hole with his big uncut cock!


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