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Happy Beefcake Cory receives happy blowjob

Happy Beefcake Cory receives happy blowjob video, and again, this couldn’t be a more different update than the previous week! Now we have a very smiley, appreciative, and confident young straight dude, in other words, a happy Beefcake! And I couldn’t be happier of the variety of encounters I am having lately, and I know many of you Hunters are too! Beefcake Cory is a sexy fit dude (he works out twice a day!) with a nice tan, he is mix of White and Latino, and this wasn’t something that he brought it up, I just realized myself, I could feel his Latino aura, and he just confirmed it! Lol He is from up north but moved to Florida few years ago, and he is loving it, he loves the variety of girls he can meet down here and since he is a Lifeguard, he can work all year around, besides been a Lifeguard, Cory is having an internship as a business man, that is why his outfit in this scene, and now he also has work all year around here at BeefCakeHunter Land, if he is down for it. From the moment I opened my door to him, he was smiling, and his beautiful skin tone, body and face made a big impression on me. Then when we started chatting, he was very fluid in the conversation, he is a very good listener too, from that moment I decided to tittle this video Happy Beefcake Cory receives happy blowjob. One of the moments I enjoyed the most, was when I am undressing him, you guys know that is like a hot ritual here at BCH, and then finding out his HOT HAIRY LEGS!!! Was a super bonus for me, I am a sucker for hairy legs! Then ad that sexy manly underwear and discovering those big balls…. Ummmm, I couldn’t be happier myself! Once I got his cock “up and running” I couldn’t stop and watching his handsome face every time I looked up, was pure BCH Heaven, at some point I didn’t even know what to do with this guy that checked all my favorite boxes in a man! Lol Even when he was cumming he was smiling, what an awesome Beefcake Cory is! I hope you guys enjoy this video Happy Beefcake Cory receives happy blowjob.


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