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First Time Fucking Ass – Nico Nova & Duncan Story

For someone who hadn’t really experimented with guys, Duncan was suddenly attracted to Nico, and begins passionately kissing him. The boys make out on the futon, before Duncan tries his hand at oral and lowers his mouth onto Nico’s cock. Nico gives Duncan pointers while he is being pleased, then lets out his submissive side by asking Duncan to throatfuck him. He gets on the edge of the futon and pushes Duncan’s cock in his mouth, giving Duncan lots of satisfaction. Nico loves Duncan’s cock, and wants it in his ass. Duncan gets behind him and slowly puts his dick in from behind. Nico starts to moan as he gets pounded doggy style. He loves how Duncan’s dick feels. He flips to his back and let’s Duncan pound him some more. When Duncan gets close, he gets within an inch of Nico’s face and busts his load all over it. That hot facial brings Nico to shoot his load on the floor, keeping him covered in cum and excitement.
