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Adrian Rose & Solomon Aspen

Solomon Aspen and his Serviced scene partner, Adrian Rose, are BACK to give you a no-holds-barred furry-fucker RAW scene! We find Solomon and Adrian deep making out on the bed as the two grind together. Solomon playfully bites at Adrian’s lips before Solomon rolls over to give him better access to Adrian’s uncut cock. Solomon teases it through Adrian’s briefs before whipping it out and throating it while Adrian watches. Solomon gets on his knees and strokes their two cocks together, then leans down for a kiss. Solomon asks Adrian if he’d like to suck his dick, and Adrian happily obliges. Adrian struggles to take all of Solomon’s cock down his throat, but Solomon seems to enjoy making Adrian gag. Adrian gives Solomon a long, sloppy, and wet BJ as Solomon rubs Adrian’s back and ass with his toes. Solomon flips onto his knees and gives Adrian access to his hole. Adrian give Solomon a thorough tongue-fucking, enthusiastically eating Solomon’s ass before Solomon asks Adrian if he’d like to fuck him and the two move to the edge of the bed. Adrian slides his cock into Solomon’s hole and quickly takes Solomon to Pound Town. We get some great undershots of the action as Adrian repeatedly slides his dick all the way out, then back in. Something tells me Adrian is intentionally slowing down the pace here to keep himself from cumming. Solomon flips onto his back as Adrian continues to give Solomon a good dicking. Before long, Adrian is exclaiming that he’s about to cum as he pulls out and shoots his load all over Solomon’s sack. Solomon reaches down and collects Adrian’s load with his hands and then uses it to jack his dick. Solomon fires off a thick load as he tugs on his balls, managing to shoot some of it up onto his peck. Adrian leans down and scoops some of Solomon’s load up with his tongue, then moves up to share it with Solomon, because sharing is caring!


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