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Adrian Suarez & Archie

Adrian Suarez is back as this week’s bait guy and he brought a friend with him. Actually, he brought his best friend’s younger brother to the studio with him! And, his best friend doesn’t even know. His best friend doesn’t know that Adrian does porn either! Archie is Adrian’s best friend’s younger brother and this Latin stud is hot! Archie has smooth, tan skin, with hazel eyes, washboard abs, and a beautiful uncut cock! Archie knows he’s cute and he’ll take compliments from guys and girls. Archie tells Caruso that he’s open to trying new things with a guy but he hasn’t done more than swapping blowjobs. Today, he thinks he’s here with Adrian to have a threesome with a girl. But, Adrian and Caruso came up with their own idea and hopefully today, everything will go as planned… Caruso breaks the news that this arrangement was supposed to include a girl but she won’t be showing up today. But, if both guys will have sex with each other then he can still shoot the scene and pay the models. Adrian was on board from the start but it didn’t take long for Archie to join him. Let’s hope Adrian’s best friend AKA Archie’s brother, doesn’t find out!


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