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Joel Someone & Nic Sahara – Serviced

We discover Joel Someone and Nic Sahara making out on the bed, Joel already rock hard, as the two grind against each other. Nic makes his way down Joel’s furry body and teases Joel’s cock head before engulfing him fully. Joel strokes the back of Nic’s head as Nic works Joel’s dick. Joel loses himself in the expert cock sucking he’s receiving, throwing his head back and exclaiming before pulling Nic back up for a kiss. Joel instructs Nic to finger Joel’s hole while he’s sucking his dick, and Nic is happy to oblige. Nic starts slowly at first, then presses his finger in deeper, causing Joel to moan with pleasure. Joel stands at the edge of the bed as Nic lays on his back with his head hanging off the side so Joel can throat-fuck him. Joel climbs further up on to the bed so that he can continue to fuck Nic’s throat as Nic plays with Joel’s hole. As Joel approaches climax, he lays back on the bed and takes over, stroking his dick while Nic sucks on Joel’s nipple. Joel blasts a thick nut onto his furry stomach as his orgasm sends waves throughout Joel’s body, causing him to quake with pleasure.


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