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Caught Him On Cam – Ray Crosswell

This little fucker Ray Crosswell is sitting on my couch, wanking away fully nude and on cam. Don’t get me wrong, I love a boy who likes to show off his hole. It’s actually got me pitching a tent in my gray sweats. But, spying from the mezzanine is only half the fun and a closer look never hurts. Ray needs to know I caught him in the act! He might be dating my brother but he’s got a cute little ass, and I want to give it a try myself! He gives me a solid cocksucking and gets on my dick like a thirsty little slut. His ass is literally perfect and he slides his incredible hole back and forth on my cock, moaning away as I fuck him raw. I give his prostate a solid glanding and make him shoot a big hot load all over before I cum all over his toned back. Who wouldn’t rather take a pumping than a cock-tease on cam?


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