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AJ Sloan & Matt Heron

Matt is finally back after an entire year! If you don’t remember this hunk, he’s tall, dark, handsome, and hung! Matt went gay for pay the last time that he was here and since then, he’s gone on to explore his sexuality a little better! Recently, Matt decided to start playing with his ass but he doesn’t like the way a dildo feels. So, Matt contacted Caruso to see if he could be in another scene and if he could be the bait this go around and he really wants to get fucked! Caruso couldn’t ask for more! AJ is this week’s straight guy and hopefully, he’ll be fucking Matt’s sexy bubble-butt! AJ is also tall, dark, handsome, and hung! Currently, AJ has a girlfriend and she’s not happy about what he’s doing but they need the money, and AJ’s horny! It doesn’t take much to please him either. AJ hasn’t had a 3-way and he never heard about double penetration. Well, this stud has a lot to learn, and what better place to learn it than right here at the studio? Watch AJ go gay for pay and fuck Matt’s beautiful tight hole!


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