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Sexy Saul’s Raw Screw with Angelo

Sexy Colombian Saul is a classic Latin lover, with dark brown eyes and thick black hair that flops into his face when he’s screwing a hot raw bottom. Angelo is a bearded Panama cub with a big appetite for bare cock, and Saul is up, stiff and ready. Angelo gropes Saul’s big dick inside his jersey shorts and leans in to gnaw on the big guy’s nips. He peels off Saul’s undies and takes the hard uncut piece into his cockhungry mouth. Just an extra gob of spit and that dick is ready and sliding into Angelo’s furry hole. Angelo grinds down on the thick straight fuckpole, slapping his ass onto Saul’s smooth tight nuts. Saul grabs his hot bottom’s meaty thighs and guides him down. Rocking Angelo back onto the black leather sofa, Saul lets loose and pounds his cock in to the hilt. Angelo grabs his cock and starts beating it fast. He turns to crouch with one leg up as Saul drills in raw and juicy. Angelo pants and licks his lips. He’s ready to shoot. But Saul pulls out and sprays his hot splatter first, pounding back in to breed the twitching hole. Angelo’s sticky sperm drenches the short fuzzy curls that cover his tight belly. He leans in to lick the cum off Saul’s thick brown cock.


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