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Beau Butler & Tarzan Top – SCRUM: Balls To The Wall

As naked rugby player Tarzan Top struts around the locker room, teammate Beau Butler can’t help but admire his impressive cock. The two make eyes at each other and soon enough, Beau is on all fours with Tarzan’s face deep in his sweaty cheeks. Tarzan uses his tongue and fingers to tease the burly jock’s hairy hole before taking his thick dick to stretch Beau’s asshole to its absolute limit. Barely able to handle the oversized pole that’s dominating his thick ass, Beau clings to Tarzan as the hung top lefts his entire body in the air while still filling his horny hole. Now laying on the locker room bench with his cock spilling out of his jock, Beau shoots out a thick wad of cum moments before Tarzan’s third leg breeds his hole and leaves his ass with a leaking stream of seed.


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