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Cine-X 5 – Axel Brown & Gustavo Cruz

MenatPlay presents another of our iconic Cine-X movies starring newcomer Axel Brown and Portuguese stud Gustavo Cruz. Let’s be honest – if you visit Cine-X, you’re not there solely for the porn. After spending 8-hours in an ultra-competitive, dog-eat-dog office, Gustavo Cruz needs some relief. When he enters the cinema, he takes a seat, quickly unzips his pants, and pulls out his already bulging cock to stroke. Fortunately, not too much later young Argentinean boy Axel Brown sits behind Gustavo. Being that Cine-X is a cruising spot for horny businessmen, Gustavo invites Axel to sit next to him and “watch the film together”. And of course, that’s code for getting down to real business and having sleazy anonymous sex! This movie is Rated PG-XXX.


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