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The Hustler 2 – Axel Brown & D.Dan

We know that being suited changes the way people look at you altogether. What if you are a young hustler and in the business of entertainment? Dan has everything prepared for an evening of ​​sexual companionship. He takes out a wad of money and places it next to a business suit laid out on the sofa. Then, he calls Axel Brown, a submissive escort eager to play with his new master. The young escort seems socially adept, attractive, and presentable enough. But, Dan is paying, and he is not willing to waste his money by letting his new submissive boytoy take control of the situation. This is Dan’s arrangement. He first asks Axel to take off his clothes, which Dan enjoys watching without moving from the sofa and rubbing his hand over his trousers. He does not want to get excited too soon; not until Axel wears the perfectly fitting suit. Dan enjoys obedient young-suited studs, and Axel will do anything to please his new client.


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