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Jon Darra & Jeremiah Cruz – Ride Me: Bathhouse Discovery

Jon Darra’s rideshare passenger, ginger-haired stud Jeremiah Cruz heats up the ride, telling the horny driver about the “gay club where a lot more than talk is going on”. Kuma bathhouse. He teases that Jon might want to check it out sometime. Once the sexy rider gets out and strides to the entrance, Jon’s “sometime” comes quicker than he expected. Rubbing his crotch, he groans “Awww, fuck it!” and follows Jeremiah inside. In the darkened playroom, Jeremiah rubs the bulge in his jeans and steps behind a glory hole partition. Jon grabs his new bud’s bare cock jutting through and drops to his knees to suck. “Ohh, FUCK yeah!” Jeremiah encourages the horny driver, and next thing they’re both naked on a nearby banquette. Jeremiah leads him to a sling and crouches with his ass upturned in Jon’s face. Sucking that hungry hole, Jon’s ready to take things to a hotter level, stands up to drive his bare dick into Jeremiah’s meaty butt. The hot ginger backs his booty into every rough thrust, moaning for more. Saliva and lube drips down his open crack. He rolls onto his back and slides his legs through the straps of a bench partly walled off with a torso-sized hole. Jon speeds up, holds Jere by the hips to drill in to the depths. Jeremiah holds the handles on the other side of the partition while his hole is getting rammed and crammed with Jon’s raw meat. Jon pulls out just in time to drench Jeremiah’s hairy nuts and thick uncut meat, announcing “Time to get back to work!” He leaves the hot bottom with ass open and drenched with cum, lying there for the next top.


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