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It’s A Tight Fit – Asher Haynes & Noah Bentley

Tasty, and tatted twink snack, Asher Haynes puts a hurtin’ on naughty boy Noah Bentley with his perfect, porn sized pleasure piece! Noah takes the bad boy’s big beast like a whore in heat, till the pleasure builds to a fever pitch, causing him to spew his white hot appreciation all over like a porned up pressure washer! Hot cock Haynes is right behind him. After some top tier ass smashing, Asher annihilates Noah’s freshly fucked butt hole with blast after blast of bone bust, which ends up deep in Noah’s nether regions, thanks to Asher’s post cum, thick dicked thrusts. This dick sucking, ass licking, raunch-ramming romp hits all the right, nasty-good notes, and both guys gleam with big dick- beautiful boy-bang energy.


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