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Aiden Ward, Xavier Ryan & Timber Harvest – A Winning Three

After winning a game of lacrosse, Aiden Ward, Xavier Ryan and Timber Harvest get ready to blow off some steam with a night out on the town. They play tourist, checking out the sites in Vegas, especially the water show at the Bellagio. Then it’s on to a bit of dancing at a local club. Except the rush of winning their game has left extra testosterone in their veins and pent-up cum in their balls. So what’s a winning three to do when they get back home and still need to release more steam? A game as old as time — cock-in-hole — and there is none finer! Aiden and Timber start making out while Xavier looks on. But never fear. Timber doesn’t leave Xavier to his own devices, making out with him as well, as Aiden rims Timber’s ass. Then, while Aiden and Xavier make out, Timber drops to his knees and sucks them both. Timber ends up exactly where he wants to be, in the middle, spit-roasted and bareback fucked — first by Aiden and then by Xavier — and coated in three very large loads of fresh, young cum!


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