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Beau Butler & Bruce Jones – Take Off

Canceled flights and fully booked hotels have pushed military hunk Beau Butler and weary traveler Bruce Jones to spend the night in a dim, secluded area of the airport terminal. Looking for a better way to pass the time, both men begin tugging at their own cocks from across the aisle before Bruce moves closer to Beau, drops to his knees and orally services the uncut US serviceman. Beau continues the public hookup by eating out the stranger’s bubble butt and fucking him bareback. With any passerby able to see them, Bruce returns the favor by sliding his raw throbbing member into Beau’s hairy, tan-lined ass as he lies on his own luggage. The muscular traveler pumps himself into the military man with full power until both are busting and unloading hot jizz all over Beau’s fur-covered body.


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