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Kissing Beefcake Edward some more

Kissing Edward some more, the anal scene is finally here! All Beefcake Edward’s fans at BeefCakeHunter Land went crazy when the Finally Kissing Edward scene went out, but they wanted more; they wanted: kiss and fuck; well, you guys will get a lot of that in this video. As usual, the initial chat with this handsome man was fluid, and he didn’t hide his willingness for more into the BCH arena. After a breve moment on my knees, I was already enjoying Edward’s massive cock, but I noticed he was close to cum a few times. Sometimes in previous encounters, he has taken long to cum, but as you can hear him say in this scene, Kissing Beefcake Edward some more, that wouldn’t be the case this time, lol. I did try my best not to make him cum, thinking that it may be the end of the story that day, but something inside me was telling me, go ahead, he will cum again, lol. So I just gave the ok to myself and enjoyed him freely, even if that may cause him to nut soon, and that is precisely what happened; he gave me a creamy and abundant ejaculation that is well appreciated in the close-up angle, so hot! After that, you can see his expression of relief! But, he knew, I was not done with him! Lol After a break and words of encouragement, we moved to the couch, where, of course, I kissed him more, and I even dared to make him finger me; it was for a few seconds, but something was something; I probably will dare that more in the future lol. Then I rode him good, a position that we have done before; nothing new there, but VERY enjoyable. After that, I laid on my side, and I just let him fuck my tight hole away at his own pace. That went a lot better than expected! 😊 I knew he wouldn’t cum like that since he already cum earlier, so I blew him passionately and I jerked him off; a few seconds later, he shot again a nice load. I was happy, and I kissed him for the last time. I could see his satisfaction; he knew he had finished and done an excellent job! I hope you guys enjoy this scene Kissing Beefcake Edward some more.


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