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Cade Maddox & Beau Butler – Falcon Live: Get 2 It

A record number of fans have tuned in to watch Falcon | NakedSword Exclusives Cade Maddox and Beau Butler fuck bareback for the first time in this sizzling cam show. Before Beau gets dominated by every girthy inch of Cade’s award-winning cock, the guys answer fan questions and discuss their nipples, that time Dr. Cade became an internet meme, and where both most like to cum. When it’s finally time to fuck, Beau wraps his lips around Cade’s big dick as Cade uses his fingers to toy with the furry bottom’s hole. The sounds of virtual tips fill the room as Cade rims Beau’s thick muscle ass and slides his XXL rod in to fill and satisfy the hunk’s manhole. Cade’s dick goes from Beau’s ass to his mouth before the two end this long-anticipated fuck by beating their cocks and unleashing their healthy loads.


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