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Michael Boston & Drew Valentino – Falcon Live: Get 2 It

Drew Valentino is seated with bubble-assed porn star Michael Boston for their first-ever live cam show together. With fans from around the globe hanging on their every word, the two answer questions about their favorite sex positions, what makes a good top, and Michael’s famously round cheeks before getting down to business. Michael breaks out his juicy ass so Drew can bury his tongue inside it. Wearing only a jockstrap, Michael returns the favor by swallowing down Drew’s long hairy cock and 69ing with the big dick porn star. The audience gets a full view of Michael’s award-winning ass as he rides Drew’s bareback meat on the couch and gets on his knees to be fucked from behind. After several more positions across the sofa, Michael blasts cum all over Drew’s body hair, with Drew then nutting directly onto Michael’s thick cakes.


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