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Everything Off – Timber Harvest & Billy Saint

Southern Strokes asked Timber Harvest and Billy Saint questions about money, clothing and, naturally, sex. Both were upfront with their replies as they got to know each other and WE got to know more about them. But twinks being twinks, they’re soon horny, and everything comes off. Buck naked, they make out and take turns sucking cock. Soon, however, Timber makes a meal out of Billy’s sweet ass. He rims the bottom twink then slides that huge honker of an uncut cock inside Billy. In fact, there are moments when it looks like Timber is so enormous, compared to Billy’s petite ass, you’ll swear the smaller twink will split! But rest assured, Billy is still in one piece… despite Timber wrecking his hole. If you get off on smaller guys getting fucked by a big dick, you’ll lose your mind — and your nutt — watching Billy take Timber’s massive meat. And just wait until you see them unload!


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