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Hard Working Distraction – Dante Colle & Steven Lee

With the stresses of settling a family estate looming over him, Dante Colle sure could use a mental break. Boy toy Steven Lee thinks that it’s Dante’s other head that could use some relief, and Dante smiles. Steven knows him better than he knows himself, so he closes the door to the outside bullshit and takes off his clothes, making his way to the bed. Steven does his best to relieve Dante’s tension, but it’s not the kind of stress that simple blowjob is gonna cure, so Dante takes things into his own hands and mounts Steven, riding him until he begins to relax. Steven is rock hard deep inside of Dante, who flips over onto his hands and knees and tells Steven to fuck him harder. Steven does as he’s told and Dante strokes himself, telling Steven to fuck the cum out of him. He shoots his load all over himself as Steven pulls out and gives a double shot just to make sure Dante gets the attention he needs. Exhaling, Dante feels his stress melt away, as Steven gives him a ‘told you so’ grin.


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