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Peto Coast & Jake Ascott – Hard Cuts 3

Fuck foreplay – these sex swines are all about the main event. Peto Coast throws Jake Ascott down on the bed, and in an instant his legs are spread, waiting to receive Peto’s legendary fat uncut schlong into him. Long slow fucks strokes are sporadically interrupted by quick forceful thrusts, just to remind Jake this ain’t love making. Peto ensures a balls deep stoke every time, leaving Jake feeling hollow and empty with that cock planted firmly inside. (We’ve all been there.) Peto is known for being a no-holds barred fucker and here is no exception. The boys roll from position to position; making sure Peto can pump his dick into Jake’s ass from every angle. The angro-dry fucking has Jake whimpering and hungry for cum. Peto blows his massive load and slam fucks it into Jake’s raw fuckhole.


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