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Tony Genius & Trevor Brooks – Go With The Flow

CockyBoys wraps up Jake Jaxson’s GO WITH THE FLOW! where models change up their lives with the Go With The Flow line of “influencer-formulated, AI designed solutions for living a life worth lying about!” In the finale Trevor Brooks uses the “BroTein” supplement to make gym gains which gets him attention from Tony Genius and a mutual muscle lust flip-fuck. Tony Genius can’t get over Trevor Brooks’ new bod and wants some “BroTein” too===which Trevor is happy to give him. Tony & Trevor get into flexing and worshiping their muscles and they keep going at it as they suck each other—and even when they fuck, turning each other on even more. And, there’s no power swapping when they flip because these two verse guys truly enjoy both roles. Tony and Trevor flip multiple times and build the intensity even more with a flow of verbal and vocal interaction. They’re so much in sync that right after Tony shoots his load over Trevor while riding him and dismounts, Trevor blows his load too, giving Tony a facial. He’s totally happy to finally get that “brotein” from Trevor—straight from the source!


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