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Back on Track – Jack Valor & Beaux Matthews

Feeling sore after all his work on the track team, Jack sees Beaux for a massage. Beaux is the best in the business and always does right by his clients. Beaux gets right to work rubbing out Jack’s key areas, making sure not to gloss over Jack’s thighs and asscheeks. Jack wants to show Beaux a few things he’s learned, too. Getting rubbed down by the client isn’t something Beaux usually allows, but seeing that Jack is pretty cute, he lets it slide. Jack doesn’t just end his demo with some grabby hands – he wants to go all the way and starts playing with Beaux’s hole. As a massage therapist, Beaux knows what’s up and happily gives up his hole for Jack to enjoy. Jack tops Beaux hard, using his youthful and athletic energy to give Beaux the ride of his life. When the studs can’t hold it any longer, they both shoot their loads and revel in the steamy moment.


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