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Lane Colten CumDump #1

Derek Kage leads the pack, slapping his erection between Lane Colten’s cheeks before depositing the first load. Braxton Cruz taps in to replace Derek; Lane’s moans filling the room as he takes that big black cock. Jack Aries slides his long dick into the cummy hole, bringing a big smile on the cumdump’s face. The twink gets excited when Kyle Steele steps forward and thrusts his shaft deep inside. Jay Stryker pushes his big dick into the cumdump’s dripping used hole, fucking a smile back onto Lane’s face. Dylan Tides takes his turn with Lane’s leaker, mentioning how it’s still tight, despite having just taken all the loads of the men before him. Eddie Patrick takes his turn with the boy, letting Lane push back on Eddie’s big uncut dick. Milo Miles slides in balls deep, pounding the cumdump with every inch. Lane, lying there in ecstasy, gets fucked silly for the 8th time.
