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Liam Uses Chris After Hours

It blows my mind thinking of this fact, but do you realize Liam and Chris first fucked over 2 years ago and we haven’t seen them paired up as a duo since?! While Chris and Liam can each count the other among their earliest CF conquests, conflicting schedules meant it had taken this long to get these two young studs back together and I could not be more happy this moment has finally come! I’m sure you feel the same way! We all know just how much Chris loves to get fucked, and how flawless he looks while taking a stiff dick. We also all know Liam is one of the most intense, passionate, skilled tops around. While these two did get an additional taste of one another in a bi threesome that came after their first meeting, nothing could make up for lost time like an After Hours session where they get to go wild on one another, hold nothing back, and let their own testosterone and lust take over. Get ready to see Chris get his world rocked, Liam leave you amazed by his stamina, and 2 years’ of longing satisfied in 30 minutes!


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